HOMEABOUT XSMCurriculum vitae
15 November 2022
Curriculum Vitae
Xavier Sala i Martín - Currículum
(PDF version of this CV)


Department of Economics
Columbia University
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Google Scholar Citations:  91,443
h-Index: 78
i10-Index: 156



  • Columbia University in New York, Jerome and Matthew Grossman Professor of Development Economics, 2008-present. Professor of Economics, 1996-2008. Website:
  • Futbol Club Barcelona, Vice President of FCB Foundation and Vice President of FCB Foundation USA, 2021-Present. Websites:, and
  • World Economic Forum, Economic Advisor to the Competitiveness Program 2006-present, and author of the Global Competitiveness Index (used by the WEF in its Global Competitiveness Report since 2004), and Trustee for the Global Agenda on Economic Growth and Social Inclusion (2015-present). Forum fellow since 2001. Website:
  • PARLEM Telecom, Member of International Advisory Board, 2019-Present. Website:
  • Royal Academy of Management, Oman, Member of the International Advisory Board, 2022-Present
  • National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Cambridge, MA. Research Associate, 1991-present. Website:
  • UMBELE Foundation, a Non-Profit and Non-Government Organization dedicated to help citizens of Africa (, President and Founder, 2004- present


Past Positions

  • Futbol Club Barcelona 2004-2010, Treasurer and member of the board of directors. Formerly, president of the “Comissió Econòmica Estatutària” (Managament and Statutory Commission), and president of the Club during the electoral process, July-August 2006.
  • Telefonica, Member of the Catalunya Board, 2004-2016
  • Fundació Catalunya Oberta. Patron, 2000-2016
  • International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C., Consultant, 1993-2007
  • The World Bank, Consultant, 1996-1998 and 2001
  • UNESPA (Spanish Association of Insurance Companies), Member of the Advisory Board, 2008-2010
  • Harvard University, Visiting Professor of Economics, 2003-2004.
  • Yale University, Department of Economics. Associate Professor, 1993-1996 (previously Assistant Professor from 1990 to 1993).
  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Professor Visitant, summers 1994- 2016
  • Center for European Policy Research (CEPR), London, UK.  Research Fellow. 1992-2004.
  • Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d’Amics del País, President of the Economic Commission, 2005 – 2007
  • Linguamón – Casa de les Llengües, member of the Scientific Council, 2006-2010



  • Doctor of Philosophy, Harvard University, May 1990, Thesis:  "On Growth and States".
  • Master of Arts, Harvard University, June 1987.
  • Llicenciatura Ciències Econòmiques, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, June 1985.



  • 2022 Institut Olstrom, Premi al Lideratge Intel·lectual, Barcelona
  • 2022 United Nations Development Program (UNDP), grant for an advisory position at the Consejo Nacional de Competitividad de la República Dominicana for the design of the Estrategia Nacional de Competitividad, 2022-2023.
  • 2022 Distinguished Teacher in Graduate Economics awarded by Columbia’s graduate students to the best teacher in the first and second year of the PhD Program, Columbia Economics Department, New York, NY, April 2022.
  • 2020-2022 United Nations Development Program (UNDP), grant for an advisory position at the Consejo Nacional de Competitividad de la República Dominicana. 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.
  • 2017 Doctor Honoris Causa, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • 2016 TV Zapping Award for "Economia en Colors" for its innovative, accessible and user-friendly approach to communicating the reality of Economics and Business" (“Economia en Colors” is an  TV Show I host in TV3, a Catalan Network, where Economics issues are discussed in a Prime Time accessible format.)
  • 2015 Professor Honoris Causa (profesor honorario) Universidad del Desarrollo de Chile
  • 2015 XXI Premi Nacional Lluis Companys
  • 2011 Babson College's Carpenter Prize
  • 2010 Premi del Consell Social de la UPF a la qualitat en la docència, curs 2009-2010
  • 2006 Lenfest Award to a Distinguished Columbia Faculty
  • 2006 Premio Reflexiones to the best article related to health issues published in the popular press (organized by Sanitaria 2000 and Astra Zeneca Foundation). The winning article is called “Limitar Nuestra Libertad” and was published in La Vanguardia.
  • 2005 Honorary Professorship at Remnin University in Beijing (China)
  • 2005 Premi Internacional Terres de Girona (International Prize “Land of Girona”) to the best NGO initiative of 2004 (for the creation of the Umbele Foundation: A Future for Africa).
  • 2005 Honorary Professorship at Central University of Beijing (China)
  • 2005 AztraZeneca-StoraEnso Lecture, Stockholm Sweden.
  • 2004 Premio Juan Carlos I de Economía. This bi-annual prize is awarded by the Bank of Spain to the best economist in Spain and Latin America.
  • 2004 Ranked as the 8th most cited economist of the last decade by the Social Science Indicators.
  • 2004 National Science Foundation Grant, Washington, D.C. 2004-2005
  • 2003 Conde de Godó Prize of Journalism (“Premio Conde de Godó de periodismo”). This prize rewards the best op-ed published in any Spanish Newspaper over the previous year.
  • 2002 Prize Banco Herrero to the best Spanish Economist under 40, October 3, 2003.
  • 2001 Economics Person of the Year awarded by CECOT, an Association of Small Business in Barcelona, to the person who, in their judgement, contributed the most to the Economics and Business Environment during the previous year, October 2001.
  • 2000 Kenneth J. Arrow Award awarded by the International Health Economics Organization at the American Economic Association Meetings in New Orleans, January 5th, 2000 (this prize rewards the best article in the world in the field of Health Economics published during the year 2000).
  • Distinguished Teacher in Graduate Economics, Columbia Economics Department, New York, NY, December 1999.
  • Elected one of the “Top 100 Most Promissing Spanish Citizens for the 21st Century” (selected by the newspaper El Pais, Madrid, 1999)
  • Distinguished Teacher in Graduate Economics, Columbia Economics Department, New York, NY, December 1998.
  • 1998 King Juan Carlos I Prize for outstanding researchers under the age of 40 in the Humanities and Social Sciences (“Premio Rey Juan Carlos I de Humanidades e Investigación Científico Social para Investigadores Jóvenes”).  Madrid, Spain, January 1998.
  • National Science Foundation Grant, 1997-2001. Washington, D.C.
  • DGCIT Grant, 1998-2000, Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • Iberdrola Grant.  Madrid, Spain, 1997.
  • Iberdrola Grant.  Madrid, Spain, 1996.
  • National Science Foundation Grant, 1993-1996. Washington, D.C.
  • Lee Hixon’s Prize for Teaching Excellence, Yale College, New Haven, CT, 1995.
  • DGCIT Grant, 1994-1997, Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • Institute of Policy Research, Washington, DC.  Junior Research Fellow. 1993-1995.
  • Distinguished Teacher in Graduate Economics, Yale Economics Department,  New Haven, CT, December 1992.
  • Instituto de Estudios Fiscales Grant, 1992, Madrid, Spain.
  • Institute for Policy Reform Junior Fellowship, 1992, Washington, DC.
  • European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER) Grant, 1992, Brussels, Europe.
  • Yale Social Science Research Fellowship 1991, 1992, New Haven, CT.
  • National Science Foundation Grant, 1990-1993, Washington, DC.
  • Banco de Vizcaya-Bilbao Grant, 1991, Barcelona.
  • Instituto de Estudios Fiscales Grant, 1989-90, Madrid, Spain.
  • Banco Exterior de España Fellowship 1987-88, Madrid, Spain.
  • Fulbright Fellow 1985-87, La Caixa (Barcelona) and Fulbright Foundation, New York, NY.




In English

  1. “The Economics of Intelligence, Part I: Natural Intelligence”, Penguin Random House, forthcoming 2023.
  2. “The Economics of Intelligence, Part II: Artificial Intelligence”, Penguin Random House, forthcoming 2024.
  3. “Global Competitiveness Report 2017-2018”, Co-editor of the publication and co-author of leading chapter and author of the Global Competitiveness Index, 2017.
  4. “Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017”, Co-editor of the publication and co-author of leading chapter and author of the Global Competitiveness Index, 2016.
  5. “Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016”, Co-editor of the publication and co-author of leading chapter and author of the Global Competitiveness Index, 2015.
  6. “Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015”, Co-editor of the publication and co-author of leading chapter and author of the Global Competitiveness Index, 2014.
  7. “Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014”, Co-editor of the publication and co-author of leading chapter and author of the Global Competitiveness Index, 2013.
  8. “Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013”, Co-editor of the publication and co-author of leading chapter and author of the Global Competitiveness Index, 2012.
  9. “Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012”, Co-editor of the publication and co-author of leading chapter and author of the Global Competitiveness Index, 2011
  10. “Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011”, Co-editor of the publication and co-author of leading chapter and author of the Global Competitiveness Index, 2010
  11. “Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010”, Co-editor of the publication and co-author of leading chapter and author of the Global Competitiveness Index, 2009
  12. “Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009”, Co-editor of the publication and co-author of leading chapter and author of the Global Competitiveness Index, 2008.
  13. “Global Competitiveness Report 2007-2008”, Co-editor of the publication and co-author of leading chapter and author of the Global Competitiveness Index, 2007.
  14. Economic Growth, Second Edition, MIT Press, 2004. Translated to Russian, Spanish, French (by McGraw Hill), German (by Oldenbourg), Japanese, and Chinese.
  15. “Economic Growth”.  A Graduate Textbook on Economic Growth (joint with Robert Barro) McGraw Hill, 1995.

In Other Languages

  1. “L’economia de la Intel·ligència 1a Part: Intel·ligència Natural”, Penguin Random House (in Spanish and Catalan, forthcoming 2023)
  2. “L’economia de la Intel·ligència 2a Part: Intel·ligència Artificial”, Penguin Random House (in Spanish and Catalan, forthcoming 2024)
  3. “El Gazebo: Por un Sueño de Pais. El Estado de la Competitividad en la República Dominicana” (with Peter Prazmowski, in Spanish, February 2020)
  4. “La Invasión de los Robots y otros Relatos”, Ed. Conecta, March 2019, in Spanish, (ed. Rosa dels Vents, 2018, in Catalan)
  5. “Economía en Colores” ed. Conecta, 2016, in Spanish (ed. Rosa dels Vents, 2015, in Catalan)
  6. “És l’Hora dels Adéus?”, Ed. Rosa dels Vents, 2014
  7. Diálogos con Xavier Sala i Martin, editorial Planeta, 2010 (in Spanish)
  8. Doncs jo ho Veig Així, Random House Mondadori, 2010 (in Catalan) (in Spanish, “Pues yo lo veo así”, Random House Mondadori, 2010).
  9. Converses amb Xavier Sala i Martin by Jordi Graupera (a book about my thoughts written by a journalist), Edicions Dau, November 2007
  10. Economia Liberal per a No Economistes i No Liberals”, Editorial Enciclopèdia Catalana, Barcelona. May 2001 (in Catalan). Currently in its 7th edition. Spanish Version “Economia Liberal para No Economistas y no Liberales, Editorial Plaza y Janes, Barcelona; April).
  11. Apuntes de Crecimiento Ecónomico, Antoni Bosch Editor, Barcelona, 1994. 2nd Edition, 2001.
  12. Introduccio a l'Economia, Translation into Catalan of Robert Heilbronner's and Lester Thurow's "Economics Explained".  Editorial Empúries, Barcelona. 1985.



  1. “El Factor Clau” (First season, forthcoming 2023), Produced by MediaPro for TV3.
  2. "Economia en Colors (2nd season, 2017-18)" (A Prime Time TV series of 12 Episodes on the essentials of Economics, in Catalan). Produced by El Terrat and TV3 Produccions. Average # Viewers: Half a Million per episode
    •    Episode 1: On the Economics of Happiness
    •    Episode 2: On the Enemies of Innovation
    •    Episode 3: On Patience and Temptation
    •    Episode 4: On the Law of Undesirable Consequences
    •    Episode 5: On the Tyranny of Experts
    •    Episode 6: On Institutions
    •    Episode 7: On Creative Destruction
    •    Episode 8: On Cheaters, Liars and Thieves
    •    Episode 9: On Public Goods
    •    Episode 10: On Market Failures
    •    Episode 11: On Incomplete Information
    •    Episode 12: On Data
  3. "Economia en Colors" (First Season, 2015) (A series of 8 Episodes on the essentials of Economics, in Catalan). Produced by El Terrat and TV3 Produccions. Average # Viewers: Half a Million per episode.
    •    Episode 1: On Innovation
    •    Episode 2: On the Wealth of Nations
    •    Episode 3: On Ideas
    •    Episode 4: On Human Capital
    •    Episode 5: On Money
    •    Episode 6: On Finance
    •    Episode 7: On Behavioral Economics
    •    Episode 8: On Development and Aid
  4. "L'Últim Partit: 40 anys de Johan Cruyff a Catalunya" (movie on the life of football legend Johan Cruyff), Produced by Bonita Films, Directed by Jordi Marcos. 2014. In Catalan.
  5. "L'Endemà" (movie documentary on the advantages and disadvantage of Catalan Independence). Directed by Isona Passola, 2013. In Catalan.
  6. "Cataluña-Espanya" (movie documentary on the relations between Catalonia and Spain), Directed by Isona Passola, 2009. In Catalan.
  7. “Les Bones Intencions”  (in Catalan), Documentary on the Effectiveness of Development Aid in Africa. TV3, Barcelona, 2008
  8. “L’economista de Capçalera”, a weekly show in Barcelona’s TV3’s  Divendres 2011-2017.



  1. “Shedding Lights on PPPs” (with Maxim Pinkovskiy), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (October 2020) (previously NBER WP 24419),
  2. “China’s GDP Growth may be understated” (with Maxim Pinkovskiy and Hunter Clark, January 2019, Chinese Economic Review. Previously NBER WP 23323)
  3. “The Quest for More and Better Growth”, The Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, September 2017
  4. “Lights, Camera,... Income! Estimating Poverty Using National Accounts, Survey Means, and Lights” (with Maxim Pinkovskyi), Quarterly Journal of Economics, April 2016 (previously NBER Working Paper 19831, January 2014.)
  5. “The Economic Performance of Territories”, Journal of Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance, 2016.
  6. “Newer Need Not be Better: Evaluating the Penn World Tables and the World Development Indicators Using Nighttime Lights” (with Maxim Pinkovskiy), NBER Working Paper 22216, May 2016. Submitted to American Economic Review.
  7. “Competitive Agendas to Reignite Growth: Findings from the Global Competitive Index”, The Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, September 2016.
  8. “Modernizing the Measurement of Drivers of Prosperity in Light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Updated Global Competitiveness Index” (with Roberto Crotti, Silja Baller, Attilio Di Battista, Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Thierry Geiger, Daniel Gómez Gaviria, and Gaëlle Marti), The Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, September 2016.
  9. "Reaching Beyond the New Normal: 3 Findings from the Global Competitiveness Index 2015–2016" (with Roberto Crotti, Attilio Di Battista, Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Caroline Galvan, Thierry Geiger, and Gaëlle Marti), World Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, September 2015
  10. “Africa is on Time” (with Maxim Pinkovskiy), Journal of Economic Growth (2014), 19:331-338. June 2014.
  11. “Accelerating a Robust Recovery to Create Productive Jobs and Support Inclusive Growth”, (with Beñat Bilbao-Osorio, Attilio Di Batista, Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Thierry Geiger, and Caroline Galvan), World Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, September 2014
  12. “Sustaining Growth, Building Resiliance: The GCI 2013-2014” (with Beñat Bilbao, Jennifer Blanque, Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Thierry Geiger, and Caroline Ko), Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, September 2013.
  13. “Strengthening Recovery by Raising Productivity” (joint with Benat Bilbao-Osorio, Jennifer Blanke, Margareta Drzeniek, Thierry Geiger) Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, September 2012.
  14. “Setting the Foundations for Strong Productivity” (joint with Benat Bilbao-Osorio, Jennifer Blanke, Margareta Drzeniek, Thierry Geiger) Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, October 2011.
  15. “African Poverty is Falling… Faster than You Think” (Joint with Maxim Pinkovskiy), NBER Working Paper, 2010.
  16. “Social Security and Democracy” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: Vol. 10 : Iss. 1 (Contributions), Article 18 (joint with Ricard Gil and Casey Mulligan), January 2010.
  17. “Looking behind the Global Economic Crisis (joint with Jennifer Blanke, Margareta Drzeniek” Thierry Geiger, Irene Mia) Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum,  October 2010.
  18. “Parametric Estimations of the World Distribution of Income” (Joint with Maxim Pinkovskiy), NBER Working Paper 15433, October 2009.
  19. “Contributing to Long-Term prosperity amid the Global Economic Crisis” (joint with Jennifer Blanke, Margareta Drzeniek, Thierry Geiger, Irene Mia) Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum,  October 2009.
  20. “Measuring the Productive Potential of Nations” (with Jennifer Blanke, Margareta Drzeniek, Thierry Geiger, Irene Mia, and Fiona Paua), Global Competitiveness Review of the World Economic Forum,  October 2007.
  21. “Global Inequality Fades as the Global Economy Grows”¸ in 2007 Index of Economic Freedom of the Heritage Foundation.
  22. “The World Distribution of Income: Estimated from Individual Country Distributions”. Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2006.
  23. “Why are the Critics so Convinced that Globalization is Bad for the Poor?: Comment”, in Ann Harrison Ed. Globalization and Poverty, NBER 2006
  24. “We are the Present”, Bank of Spain. Acceptance speech for the King Juan Carlos I Prize of Economics.  2005.
  25. "Determinants of Long-Term Growth: A Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) Approach” (with Gernot Doppelhofer and Ronald Miller), American Economic Review, September 2004.
  26. “The Global Competitiveness Index” (with Elsa V. Artadi), Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, 2004.
  27. “Democracy and the Public Sector: the BTE Approach”, Mimeo Columbia University, (with Casey Mulligan and Ricard Gil), Journal of Economics Perspectives, Winter 2004.
  28. "The Growth Competitiveness Index: Analyzing Key Underpinnings of Economic Growth", (with Jennifer Blanke and Fiona Paua), Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, 2003.
  29. “The Economic Tragedy of the XXth Century: Growth in Africa” (with Elsa V. Artadi), forthcoming African Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum 2003.
  30. “Social Security in Theory and Practice: Facts" (with Casey Mulligan), Advances in Economic Analysis and Policy, Berkeley Electronic Journal, 2003.
  31. "Political and Economic Forces Sustaining Social Security" (with Casey Mulligan), Advances in Economic Analysis and Policy, Berkeley Electronic Journal, 2003.
  32. “Economic Growth and Investment in the Arab World”, Arab Competitiveness Report published by the World Economic Forum, September 2002.
  33. “Poor People are Unhealthy People...and Viceversa”, proceedings of the International Meeting of Health Economics, Paris 2002.
  34. “The Myth of Exploding Income Inequality in Europe and the World”, in Europe and Globalization , edited by Palgrave McMillan, London. In honor of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, June 2002
  35. “15 Years of Growth Economics: What Have we Learnt?", in The Challenges of Economic Growth, Ed. Norman Loaiza, Central Bank of Chile, 2002
  36. "Convergence and Divergence: Theoretical Underpinnings", Keynote Address at the East-West Conference 2001 of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Central Bank of Austria, in Vienna), September 2001.
  37. “Measuring Aggregate Human Capital” (with Casey Mulligan), Journal of Economic Growth, September 2000.
  38. “Gerontocracy, Retirement, and Social Security" (with Casey B. Mulligan), Revise and Resubmit at the American Economic Review. this paper was a NBER Working Paper 7117, May 1999.
  39. “Extensive Margins and the Demand for Money at Low Interest Rates”, (with Casey Mulligan), Journal of Political Economy, Vol 108, Number 5, pp.1003-33, October 2000. This paper circulated earlier with the name “The Adoption Costs of Financial Technologies: Implications for Monetary Policy”
  40. “Health Investment Complementarities Under Competing Risks” (with Will Dow and Thomas Philipson), American Economic Review, December 1999. This paper was awarded the Kenneth J. Arrow Award by the International Health Economics Organization.
  41. "Empirics of Economic Growth: Cross-Sectional Analysis" , Zagreb Journal of Economics,Vol. 1, n.1, pp. 103-132, 1997.
  42. “I Just Ran Two Million Regressions”, American Economic Review, Vol. 87, n.2, pp. 178-183, 1997.
  43. “The Optimum Quantity of Money: Theory and Evidence”, (with Casey B. Mulligan),  Journal of Money Credit and Banking, November 1997.
  44. “Transfers, Social Safety Nets, and Growth”. IMF Staff Papers, vol. 44, No 1, pp.81-102, 1997.
  45. “Technological Diffusion, Convergence, and Growth”, (with Robert J. Barro), Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1997.
  46. "A Positive Theory of Social Security", Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 1, n.2, June 1996, p.277-304.
  47. “The Classical Approach to Convergence Analysis”, Economic Journal, Vol. 106, n.437, July 1996, p.1019-1036.
  48. "Regional Cohesion: Evidence and Theories of Regional Growth and Convergence", European Economic Review,Vol 40, June 1996, p.1325-1352.
  49. “Too Much Government”, Barcelona Management Review, September-December 1996, #3, pp. 74-81.
  50. "A Labor-Income-Based measure of the Aggregate Value of Human Capital" (with Casey B. Mulligan), Journal of Japan and the World Economy, May 1996.
  51. "A Growth Model of Inflation, Tax Evasion, and Financial Repression",  (with Nouriel Roubini), Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 35,#2, 275-302, April 1995.
  52. "Capital Mobility in Neoclassical Models of Economic Growth" (with Robert J. Barro and N. Gregory Mankiw), American Economic Review, vol. 85, #1, pp.103-115, March 1995.
  53. “European Migration: Push and Pull, comment”, Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics, 1995.  Reprinted in International Regional Science Review, (January 1996).
  54. "Cross Sectional Regressions and the Empirics of Economic Growth", European Economic Review, April 1994.
  55. "Transitional Dynamics in Two-Sector Models of Endogenous Growth", (with Casey B. Mulligan), Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1993.
  56. “U.S. Money Demand: Surprising Cross-Sectional Estimates”, (with Casey B. Mulligan), Brookings Papers of Economic Activity, 1992 II, P. 285-329.
  57. "Regional Growth and Migration:  A Japan-U.S. Comparison", (with Robert J. Barro), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, #6, 312-346, December 1992.
  58. "Public Finance in Models of Economic Growth", (with Robert J. Barro), Review of Economic Studies, #59, p. 645-661, November 1992.
  59. "Financial Repression and Economic Growth", (with Nouriel Roubini), Journal of Development Economics #39, p. 5-30, July 1992. (parts, but not all, of this paper appear in the NBER working paper # 3876 entitled "Financial Development, the Trade Regime and Economic Growth", October 1991.)
  60. "Convergence", (with Robert J. Barro), Journal of Political Economy, v. 100, #21, p.223-251, April 1992.
  61. "Fiscal Federalism and Optimum Currency Areas:  Evidence for Europe from the United States", in M. B. Canzoneri, V. Grilli and P. R. Masson editors, "Establishing a Central Bank:  Issues in Europe and Lessons from the U.S.", Cambridge University Press, 1992.
  62. "Growth, Macroeconomics, and Development: Comment", comment on Stanley Fischer's paper in O. J. Blanchard and S. Fischer editors, "1991 Macroeconomics Annual", M.I.T. press, November 1991.
  63. "Convergence Across States and Regions", (with Robert J. Barro), Brookings Papers of Economic Activity, 1991:1, April 1991.  Reprinted in A. Cukierman, Z. Hercowitz and L. Leiderman ed. "Political Economy, Growth, and Business Cycles" M.I.T. Press, 1992.
  64. "Lecture Notes on Economic Growth (I) and (II).  NBER working papers # 3563 and #3564, December 1990.
  65. "World Real Interest Rates", (with Robert J. Barro) in O. J. Blanchard and S. Fischer editors "1990 NBER Macroeconomics Annual", M.I.T. Press, 1990.
•    (2) Working Papers:

“Estimating Global Income Inequality using Regional and Surevey Data” (2022), with Maxim Pinkovskiy.


  1. "La celebració prematura del PP", June 2013, at
  2. "Dret a Saber (2): la realitat en xifres", June 2013, at
  3. "Dret a Saber", June 2013, at
  4. "El Dividend Fiscal de la Independència", Nov 2013, at
  5. "El Col.lectiu Wilson", Nv 2013, at
  6. "Dos i dos són mil. Els efectes comercials de la independència" Nov 2012, (with Pol Antràs,
    Carles, Boix, Jordi Galí, Gerard Padró-Miquel, and Jaume Ventura) at
  7. "Independènca i pensions: la mentida més innoble" Nov 2012 (with Pol Antràs, Carles, Boix,
    Jordi Galí, Gerard Padró-Miquel, and Jaume Ventura) at
  8. "El Dividend Fiscal de la Independència" Nov 2012 (with Pol Antràs, Carles, Boix, Jordi
    Galí, Gerard Padró-Miquel, and Jaume Ventura) at
  9. "Europa, Europa", Nov 2012 (with Pol Antràs, Carles, Boix, Jordi Galí, Gerard Padró-
    Miquel, and Jaume Ventura) at
  10. “La Religió del Segle XXI:Mediambientalisme” Fundacio Catalunya Oberta, 2005
  11. “Catalanisme Obert al Segle XXI: L’Economia”, Fundacio Catalunya Oberta, 2002
  12. El Món Després del 11 de Setembre: Un Món Incert (keynote speech for the 2001 Annual
    Meeting of the Col.legi d'Economistes de Catalunya, November 2001)
  13. “Independència de Catalunya: La Viabilitat Econòmica”, Revista d’Omnium Cultural, 1998.
  14. “Distribució Òptima de la Despesa Pública entre les Comunitats Autònomes”, Nota
    d’Economia 57, Publicacions de la Generalitat de Catalunya, May 1997.
  15. “Massa Govern”, Barcelona Management Review, September-December 1996, #3, pp.
  16. "Macroeconomia als Estats Units: Els Fets", (with Jordi Gali), Revista Ecònomica de
    Catalunya, April 1988.
  17. "Estabilitzacio, Dollars i Deficits", (with Jordi Gali), Revista Ecònomica de Catalunya,
    April 1988.
  18. "Macroeconomia als Estats Units: Les Idees", (with Jordi Gali), Revista Ecònomica de
    Catalunya, April 1988.
  19. “La Reforma de las Pensiones en España: Comentario”, Moneda y Crédito, 204, p105,
  20. "La Riqueza de las Regiones", Moneda y Credito, Madrid, Spain, July 1994.



  • 1996-2012, 2013-present, Columbia University, Macroeconomic Analysis I (first year PhD class on Macroeconomics)
  • 2010-12, Columbia University, Economic Growth and Development (second year PhD class on Macroeconomics)
  • 1996-present, Columbia University, Intermediate Macroeconomic I (undergraduate class on Macroeconomics)
  • 2012-present, Columbia University, Economic Growth and Development (Advanced Undergraduate and Master’s Students)
  • 2003-2004, Economic Growth and Development (graduate and undergraduate) at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
  • 1999-2013 (Summer): Barcelona Macroeconomics Summer School. A week-long course on Advanced Topics on Economic Growth
  • 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1997: IMF Institute. Courses on economic growth and development for IMF employees.
  • 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996:  IMF Institute.  Courses on Economic Growth for Government Employees of over 100 countries.
  • 2011, Economic Growth lecture at the African Development Bank, in Tunis, Tunisia.
  • 2004, Lecture on Global Health and the Development Poverty Trap at the Advanced Health Leadirship Program (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
  • 2000 (Spring): Kiel Institute of Economics, Kiel, Germany.
  • 1997, 1998: Visiting Professor:  New York University, Fall Term
  • 1996: IMF Institute. Mini-course on economic growth for IMF senior staff. Summer 1996.
  • 1994-2007:  Visiting Professor.  Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.  Spring-Summer quarter.
  • 1994:    Scandinavian Economic Association.  Course on Economic Growth in Helsinki, Finland, June 1994.
  • 1993:    European Economic Association's Fourth Summer School.  Lectures on "Financial Markets and Economic Development".  Helsinki, Finland.
  • 1993:    Lectures on Economic Growth at the Indira Gandhi Institute in Bombay, India.
  • 1993:    Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences:  Invited Special Lectures in Economics.  Madrid, Spain.
  • 1988 - 1989:    Instructor, Graduate Mathematics for Economists, Harvard University.
  • 1987 - 1990:    Teaching Fellow, Graduate and Undergraduate Macroeconomics, Harvard University.
  • 1985:    Instructor, Introductory Economics, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.



  • 2014-present: “Informe Sala i Martín”, a bi-weekly economics Radio show at Catalunya Ràdio, Barcelona. With Mónica Terribas between 2014 and 2020 (Wednesdays) and Laura Rosel from 2020 to the present. (Audience, 900.000)
  • 2000-present: Bi-Weekly appearance in a daily afternoon program called “Versio Original” with Toni Clapés). The show was in Catalunya Radio until 2005 and then moved to RAC1. (Audience: 200.000)
  • 2014-present: Columnist for Diari Ara (in Catalan)
  • 2008-present: occasional commentator for “Dinero” and “Oppenheimer Presenta”, in CNN Español
  • 2015-Present: “Log Out”. Occasinal appearences in Gabriela Frias’s “Portafolio” at CNN Español
  • 2014-2015: TV Show “Punt.Cat” with Arianda Oltra in TV3 Catalunya. Occasional appearances.
  • 2011-2017: TV Show “Divendres TV3” in TV3 (in Catalan). This is a 45 show where economic issues are discussed by Xavier Sala-i-Martin with Xavi Coral and Tian Riba. Thursdays.
  • 2008-2016 Bi-Weekly appearance in the Opinion Section of “El Món a RAC 1” amb Jordi Basté (Audience: 600.000)
  • 2016: “Economia per a Criatures” a RAC1 amb Jordi Basté (a Radio Show on economics explained to children). (Audience, 600.000)
  • 2000- 2008: Bi-Weekly radio appearances in the Opinion Section of “Els Matins de Catalunya Ràdio” amb Antoni Bassas (Audience: 450.000).
  • 2000- 2013: Op-Ed columnist for newspaper “La Vanguardia” (Barcelona).
  • 2007-2013: Bi-weekly appearance in “El Gabinete” de Onda Cero with Julia Otero (Audience: unknown).
  • 2005-2006: Bi-weekly appearance in “Cadena SER” with Carles Francino (Audience: 2 million).
  • 2000-2003: Weekly participant “Catalunya Nit” amb Gaspar Hernàndez. The show was cancelled when the Socialist Party won the Catalan and Spanish elections in 2003 and 2004 respectively. Average Audience: 85.000 people.
  • 1999 - 2004: Television Show “Bon Dia Catalunya” in Barcelona (TV3). The show was cancelled when the Socialist Party won the Catalan and Spanish elections in 2003 and 2004 respectively.
  • 2000: Weekly Radio Show in Barcelona called “Els Dimecres, Economia amb Xavier Sala i Martin” at RAC 1. Average Audience: unknown.
  • 1998 - 2000: Op-Ed Columnist for the Newspaper “El Periódico de Catalunya”, “El Temps” and “Public” (Barcelona) and “Expansión” (Madrid),
  • 1995 - 2000: Op-Ed Columnist for the Newspaper “Avui” (Barcelona.)
  • 1998 -1999: Television Show: Segment called “Diguem-ho Clar” (Clear Talk) in Parallel-33 with Jaume Barberà, TV3
  • 1987-1990:  Research Assistant for Professor Robert J. Barro.
  • 1988-1990: Columnist for the Newspaper "La Vanguardia de Barcelona".
  • 1986:  Assistant to Jeffrey Sachs in Advising Bolivia's Minister of Planning Sánchez de Losada (in La Paz).



  • 2003-2018: Co-Editor of the Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, Cambridge University Press.
  • 2000: Associate Editor, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press.
  • 1997-: Advisory Editor, Economics Letters, Harvard University.
  • 1997: Editorial Board: Zagreb Journal of Economics, Croatian Institute for Banking and Insurance.
  • 1994-: Associate Editor, Journal of Economic Growth, Kluwert Academic Publishers.
  • 1992- 1997: Associate Editor “Moneda y Crédito”, (a Spanish Economics Journal),  Fundación Central-Hispano, Madrid



The usual bunch of Journals…



Presented seminars at the following Universities:

Harvard, Princeton, Yale, MIT, Rochester, Chicago, Northwestern, UCLA, Stanford, Geneva, Ohio State, Miami (Ohio), Miami (Florida), Buffalo, Autónoma of Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), CEPREMAT (Paris), Helsinki, Indira Gandhi Institute (India), Tokyo, NYU, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Boston University, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Stockholm School of Economics, Tilburg University, CEMFI (Madrid), Autonoma Madrid (Madrid), Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I (Madrid), University of Florida, Universitat de Barcelona, Institut Químic de Sarrià, DELTA (Paris), Fordham University, Research Institute for Industrial Economics in Stockholm, Instituto Peruano de Administración, Villanova University, Universidad del Desarrollo (Santiago, Chile), University of Zagreb (Croatia), .

Keynote Speaking and Conferences at the Following institutions:

Recurring appearances since 2001: World Economic Forum (Davos, Switzerland, 2001-present, presentations on Global Competitiveness, Research and Development, Population Economics, African Development, Growth in the Arab World, and Globalization),
2022: EY Training Program for European Executives; Johnson&Johnson Coaching for Top Executives, New York, USA; Inology Terrassa; Federación Internacional de Fondos de Pensiones (Punta Cana, República Dominicana; Astana Nobel Fest (Kazakhstan);  Consejo Nacional Competitividad, República Dominicana; Instituto de Desarrollo Empresarial de Argentina, Buenos Aires; Asociación Mundial de Cámaras de Comercio, Annual Meeting in Bogotá; Península Investments, Miami, USA; Polish Chamber of Insurance, Gdansk, Poland; Asetrans, Associació Transportistes de Girona, Girona, EUNCET, Terrassa; Cambra de Tàrrega; Nou Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya, Barcelona; Keynote Address to the Royal Academy of Management, Muscat, Oman.  
2021: Informese Colombia; Societat Catalana d’Urogologia;, Societat Usuaris del Transpor;, Citi-Banamex Mexic;, Alacero Colombia; Uludag Economy Summit (Turkey); Cambra de Palamós; SCIAS Seguros; Consum, València; Delloite; Associació Comerç de Figueres; Indústries Girbau; Forum Empresarial del Gran Penedès.
2020: Cámara Infraestructuras Colombi;, Labmas Global Lab Solutions; Nobel Fest Kazakhstan; Conalpe Colombai; Forum Carlemany; Credicorp Perú; Nit Empresarial de l’Anoia; Fundació Gresol; Forum Carlemany; Limra (Bogotà, Colombia).
2019: Forum Empresaris de Llore;, Metlife (New York); Forum Kraznoiarsk (Russia); Forum Naturgas (Colombia;, Astana Economic Forum (Kazakhstan); Macsa Manresa; Sura Asset Management (Medellin, Colombia); Agora Bogotà Forum (Colombia); Departament d’Empresa Generalitat de Cataluny;, Consorci Empresarial Olot; Garamond, Penedès.
2018: Foro Asesores Kluwe;, Associació Pagesos Alcarràs; Setmana del Comerç Generalitat de Cataluny;, Barcelona Wedding Summit; Asofondos Colombia; ITPSA Vall;, Cumbre Mundial Seguridad Alimentaria, Ecuado;, Astana Economic Forum (Kazakhstan); Julià Mobles Group; BCI Chile; FASECOLDA Colombia; Amafore Mexico; Anceco Barcelona; Ecopetrol Colombia; Fedefarma Colombia; Cambra Comerç d’Osona; Gremi Hosteleria Lleida; JARC Alcarràs; Grupo Privado Competitividad Nacional, República Dominicana.
2017: Arab Innovation Forum, Dubai; Festibity Barcelona; Associació distribuidors gasoil Catalunya; Cambra Comerç Lleid;, Asociación Nacional Industria, Bogotá, (Colombia); The Economist Annual Meeting in Argentin; Kazan Summit, Russia; International Association of Speakers’ Bureau, Las Vegas, USA.  
2016: Reunión Anual del Consejo Minero and ICARE in Santiago (Chile), World Competitiveness Congress (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia ); Jeddah Investment Summit (Saudi Arabia), IFE Luanda, Angola;,Asociación Bolsa Santo Domingo (República Dominicana), Alqueria, Bogotá, Colombia, Associació Catalana Juristes Consultors, Astana Investment Summit (Kazakhstan), Infonavit, Mexic; Asociación Construcción Bucaramanga, Colombia, Asociación Puestos de Bolsa, República Dominicana; Unaula, Medellin (Colombia), The Economist Annual Meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan; Jornades Empresa Familiar, Caldes de Montbui; Mutuacat, Manresa, Asociación Nacional Industrias, Lima (Perú);
2015: Universidad del Desarrollo de Chile, BASF, Alquería (Bogotá), Ajuntament de Roses, World Congress of Free Trade Zones (Dubai). Ajuntament Vilafranca, Nit de l’Empresari Sant Vicenç Castellet, Cluster Automòbil de Catalunya, Cambra de comerç de Lleida, Asociación Asobancaria (Cartagena de Indias, Colombia), Annual Meeting of the Alianza del Pacífico (heads of State of Colombia, Perú, Chile and Mexico in Lima, Perú), Sopar Empresaris Igualada, General Motors Ecuador (in New York), Ingram (Barcelona), Quito, (Ecuador) Astana World Free Zones Annual Meeting 2015 (Kazakhstan), Forbes Magazine (Luanda, Angola),
2014: Competitiveness Meeting in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), Ecuatorial Guinea, Congo, Abhu Dhabi, Dubai, Turkey, Mexico), ABB, Trobada Empresarial Pirineu. Victoria Capital Partners, Cambra de comerç de Reus, Diputació de Lleida, EPCA Vienna, Universidad Javeriana Bogotá, Empresa Nacional Hidrocarburos Colombia, Cucuta (Colombia), Gremi Cecot Terrassa 2014. CEPTA Tarragona, TEDx Columbia (2012), API Salou. GEM Research Conference on Entrepreneurship, UEFA Master Program, Cámara Infraestructuras Colombia, Colegio Economistas Euskadi, Instituto do Fomento Empresarial Angola, Banorte Mexico, World of Business (WOBI, Mexico),  VI Forum Peralada de l’Empresa Familiar –Tribuna Girona (2007, Girona), Tribuna Barcelona (2007), CESiFO (Venice, Italy, 2007), Cámara Comercio Barranca Bermeja (Colombia, 2012), Camara Comercio Barranquilla (Colombia), TNS Global, Ferrovial, Fundación Rafael del Pino, Pack2Go, MAERSC, World Education Forum, Associación Empresarios Argentina (Mar del Plata), Central Bank of Guatamala, Dimmension Capital, Central Bank of Latvia, Indrawn, Microsoft, Government of Liechtenstein, Asociación Progreso de la Dirección Canarias (2007, Canary Islands), Institute des Idées (2007, Paris), Associación Española Agencias de Viages (2007, Barcelona), Comunidad de Madrid (2007), Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía (2007, Sevilla),  AztraZeneca-Stora Enso lecture in Stockholm (Sweden) 2005, World Economic Forum, African Meeting 2004 (Maputo, Mozambique), World Economic Forum, Latin American Meeting 2002 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), World Economic Forum, African Meeting 2002 (Durban, South Africa), Caixa Manresa, Conferència Economia de Catalunya Central (2004 on the Welfare State, 2003 on Sustainability and the Environment, 2002 on Globalization), Fundació Catalunya Oberta,2004 (Sustainability and the Kyoto Protocol),  American Enterprise Institute, Keynote Speech at the Conference on Health Economics of the International Health Economics Association, Paris, July 2002. September 2001 Keynote Speech at the 2001 Annual Conference of the Collegi d’Economistes de Catalunya, Keynote Speech at the 2001 Central Bank of Chile Conference “The Challenges of Growth”, conference “Catalanisme per al Segle XXI: L’Economia” organized by the Fundacio Catalunya Oberta in Girona, Keynote Speech on Economic Growth at the 2001 East-West Conference organized by the Central Bank of Austria, 2001 World Bank’s ABCDE Conference in Paris,  ASSET lecture at the Southern European Economic Association in Lisbon, CREI-European Commission conference on Economic Growth, OECD, Escola d’Estiu de Convergencia a Sitges, NBER (fluctuations project, monetary economics project, growth project, economic history project, international economics and economics of aging project, public economics project), CEPR (growth conference in Les Arcs, Summer Conferences in Tarragona, Lisbon, Sitges (Barcelona), and Perugia (Italy)), Bank of Spain, Spanish Ministry of Economia y Hacienda, FEDEA, Moneda y Credito, NBER Macroeconomics Annual, European Science Foundation Meetings (migration meeting in Davos , Switzerland), political economy meeting in Lisbon and economic growth conference in Sitges (Barcelona), and Social Security meeting in Madrid (Spain)), ISOM, European Economic Association (in Helsinki), American Economic Association (various places), Annual World Bank Conference on Economic Development (Washington, DC), Societat Catalana d'Economia (Barcelona), The World Bank Research Group, The International Monetary Fund Research Department, Tokyo Center for Economic Research (Japan), Central Bank of Portugal, the Society for Economic Dynamics and Control, the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

List of OP-Eds and Newspaper Articles


List of Conferences, Seminars, and Keynote Speeches



