15 November 2022
Xavier Sala i Martín - Currículum

My Papers organized by topic

Growth Theory, Innovation, Productivity, and Technological Progress

  1. "Inequality within countries is falling: Underreporting-robust estimatws of world poverty, inequality and the global distribution of income" (with Maxim Pinkovskiy, Kasey Chatterji-Len and William H. Nober), March 2024
  2. Shedding Lights on PPPs” (with Maxim Pinkovskiy), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (October 2020) (previously NBER WP 24419),
  3. China’s GDP Growth may be understated” (with Maxim Pinkovskiy and Hunter Clark, January 2019, Chinese Economic Review. Previously NBER WP 23323)
  4. Shining a light on purchasing power parities (with Maxim Pinkovskyi), NBER Working Paper Series 24419, March 2018
  5. China's GPD growth may be understated (with Hunter Clark and Maxim Pinkovskiy), NBER Working Paper Series 23323, April 2017
  6. Lights, Camera,... Income: Estimating Poverty Using National Accounts, Survey Means, and Lights (with Maxim Pinkovskyi), Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol 131, Issue 2, pages 579-632. May 2016. (Previously NBER Working Paper w19831, January 2014)
  7. Newer Need Not be Better: Evaluating the Penn World Tables and the World Development Indicators Using Nighttime Lights (with Maxim Pinkovskiy), NBER Working Paper w22216, May 2016
  8. Reaching Beyond the New Normal: 3 Findings from the Global Competitiveness Index 2015–2016 (with Roberto Crotti, Attilio Di Battista, Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Caroline Galvan, Thierry Geiger, and Gaëlle Marti), September 2015.
  9. Accelerating a Robust Recovery to Create Productive Jobs and Support Inclusive Growth: the GCI 2014-2015 (with Beñat Bilbao-Osorio, Attilio Di Battista, Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Thierry Geiger, and Caroline Galvan), September 2014.
  10. Sustaining Growth, Building Resiliance: The GCI 2013-2014 (with Beñat Bilbao, Jennifer Blanque, Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Thierry Geiger, and Caroline Ko), The Global Competitiveness Report 2013, World Economic Forum, September 2013
  11. Strenghtening Recovery by Raising Productivity: The GCI 2012-2013 (with Beñat Bilbao, Jennifer Blanque, Roberto Crotti,Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Thierry Geiger, and Caroline Ko),The Global Competitiveness Report 2012, World Economic Forum, September 2012.
  12. Setting the foundations for Strong Productivity: The GCI 2011-2012 (with Beñat Bilbao, Jennifer Blanque, Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, and Thierry Geiger), The Global Competitiveness Report 2011, World Economic Forum.
  13. Looking Beyond the Global Economic Crisis:The GCI 2010-2011 (with Jennifer Blanque, Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Thierry Geiger, and Irene Mia), The Global Competitiveness Report 2010, World Economic Forum.
  14. Contributing to Long-Term Prosperity amid the Global Economic Crisis, (with Jennifer Blanque, Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Thierry Geiger, and Irene Mia), The Global Competitiveness Report 2010, World Economic Forum.
  15. Prioritizing the Economic Policy Agenda:The Global Competitiveness Indez 2008-2009 (with Jennifer Blanque, Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Thierry Geiger, and Irene Mia and Fiona Paua), The Global Competitiveness Report 2008, World Economic Forum.
  16. "The Global Competitiveness Index (with Elsa V. Artadi), Global Competitiveness Report, Global Economic Forum 2004.
  17. "The Growth Competitiveness Index: Analyzing Key Underpinnings of Economic Growth", (with Jennifer Blanke and Fiona Paua), Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, 2003.
    "Executive Summary of the Global Competitiveness Report", Global Competitiveness Report ,World Economic Forum, 2003"
  18. "Addressing the Natural Resources Curse: An Illustration from Nigeria" (with Arvind Subramanian), NBER Working Paper June 2003.
  19. "The Economic Tragedy of the XXth Century: Growth in Africa" (with Elsa V. Artadi), mimeo Columbia University, May 2003, forthcoming, the African Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, March 2004.
  20. "15 Years of Growth Economics: What Have we Learnt?", Forthcoming in The Challenges of Economic Growth, Ed. Norman Loaiza, Central Bank of Chile, 2002. (note that this paper is also listed in the section "Empirical Growth and Convergence")
  21. "Technological Diffusion, Convergence, and Growth", (with Robert J. Barro), Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1997. (PDF copy of the working paper version).
  22. "A Positive Theory of Social Security" Journal of Economic Growth, Vol 1, #2, June 1996, 277-304 (PDF copy of the working paper)
  23. "Transfers, Social Safety Nets, and Growth" (this paper circulated under the name "Public Welfare and Growth", Yale Economic Growth Center Discussion Paper, September 1992). IMF Staff Papers, vol. 44, No 1, pp.81-102, 1997.
  24. "Capital Mobility in Neoclassical Models of Economic Growth" (with Robert J. Barro and N. Gregory Mankiw), American Economic Review, vol. 85, #1, pp.103-115, March 1995. (PDF copy of the working paper)
  25. "Quality Improvements in Models of Growth" (with Robert J. Barro), NBER Working Paper #4610, January 1994. (PDF copy of the working paper)
  26. "Transitional Dynamics in Two-Sector Models of Endogenous Growth", (with Casey B. Mulligan), Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1993. (PDF copy of the working paper).
  27. "Public Finance in Models of Economic Growth", (with Robert J. Barro), Review of Economic Studies, #59, p. 645-661, November 1992. (PDF copy of the working paper).
  28. "Lecture Notes on Economic Growth (I): Introduction to the Literature and the Neoclassical Model" NBER working paper # 3563 , December 1990. (PDF Copy)
  29. "Lecture Notes on Economic Growth (II): Five Prototype Models of Endogenous Growth". NBER working paper #3564, December 1990. (PDF Copy)

Poverty and Income Inequality

  1. Lights, Camera,... Income! Estimating Poverty Using National Accounts, Survey Means, and Lights (with Maxim Pinkovskyi), Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol 131, Issue 2, pages 579-632. May 2016. (Previously NBER Working Paper w19831, January 2014)
  2. Newer Need Not be Better: Evaluating the Penn World Tables and the World Development Indicators Using Nighttime Lights (with Maxim Pinkovskiy), NBER Working Paper 22216, 2016.
  3. "Africa is on time", (Joint with Maxim Pinkovskiy) Journal of Economic Growth, 19:331-338. June 2014.
  4. “African Poverty is Falling… Faster than You Think” (Joint with Maxim Pinkovskiy), NBER Working Paper, 2010.
  5. Parametric Estimations of the World Distribution of Income” (Joint with Maxim Pinkovskiy),NBER Working Paper 15433, October 2009.
  6. "The Enduring Elixir of Economic Growth: Xavier Sala-i-Martin on the Wealth and Poverty of Nations", by Brian Snowdown, World Economics, Vol. 7, No 1, January-March 2006
  7. "The World Distribution of Income: Falling Poverty and… Convergence, Period", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 121, No. 2: 351-397, May 2006 (click here to get the working paper version)
    Click here if you want to get the income distribution data by country estimated in this paper. These is one excel file per country. Each excel file contains the distribution for all years between 1970 and 2000. The name of the file is Summers-Heston's country code and country name (ie, 1AGO is Angola, etc).
  8. "The Global Competitiveness Index (with Elsa V. Artadi), Global Competitiveness Report, Global Economic Forum 2004.
  9. "Addressing the Natural Resources Curse: An Illustration from Nigeria" (with Arvind Subramanian), NBER Working Paper June 2003.
  10. "The Economic Tragedy of the XXth Century: Growth in Africa" (with Elsa V. Artadi), mimeo Columbia University, May 2003, forthcoming, the African Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, March 2004.
  11. "Growth and Income Distribution in Latin America", mimeo, November 2002.
  12. "Poverty, Inequality and the Distribution of Income in the G20" (joint with Sanket Mohapatra), mimeo Columbia University, November 2002.
  13. "The Collapse of the Soviet Empire: Income Distribution in 16 Post-Soviet Republics", mimeo Columbia University, October 2002.
  14. "The World Distribution of Income (estimated from Individual Country Distributions)", mimeo Columbia University, April 2002.
  15. "The Disturbing "Rise" of World Income Inequality", NBER Working Paper 8904, April 2002.
  16. "Convergence and Divergence: Theoretical Underpinnings", Keynote Address at the East-West Conference 2001 of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Central Bank of Austria, in Vienna), September 2001.
  17. "The Myth of Exploding Income Inequality in Europe and the World", January 2002. In Europe and Globalization,edited by Henryk Kierzkowski Palgrave McMillan, London. Invited Lecture in honor of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, June 2002.


Empirical Growth and Convergence

  1. "Determinants of Long-Term Growth: A Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) Approach" (with Gernot Doppelhofer and Ronald Miller), American Economic Review, September 2004 (PDF file).
  2. "Executive Summary of the Global Competitiveness Report", Global Competitiveness Report ,World Economic Forum, 2003"
  3. "The Growth Competitiveness Index: Analyzing Key Underpinnings of Economic Growth", (with Jennifer Blanke and Fiona Paua), Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, 2003.
    "Addressing the Natural Resources Curse: An Illustration from Nigeria" (with Arvind Subramanian), NBER Working Paper June 2003.
    "The Economic Tragedy of the XXth Century: Growth in Africa" (with Elsa V. Artadi), mimeo Columbia University, May 2003, forthcoming, the African Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, March 2004.
  4. "Economic Growth and Investment in the Arab World" (with Elsa V. Artadi), the Arab Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, September 2002.
  5. "15 Years of Growth Economics: What Have we Learnt?", The Challenges of Economic Growth, Ed. Norman Loaiza, Central Bank of Chile, 2002.
  6. "Growth Economics and Reality: Comment" (March 2001), discussion of Brock and Durlauff paper with the same title. World Bank Economic Review, 2001.
  7. "Empirics of Economic Growth: Cross-Sectional Analysis" , Zagreb Journal of Economics, Vol. 1, n. 1, pp. 103-132, 1997.
  8. "I Just Ran Two Million Regressions", American Economic Review, Vol. 87, n.2, pp. 178-183, 1997.
  9. "I Just Ran Four Million Regressions", NBER Working Paper 6252, November 1997 (PDF file).
  10. "The Classical Approach to Convergence Analysis", Economic Journal, Vol. 106, n.437, July 1996, p.1019-1036.
  11. "Regional Cohesion: Evidence and Theories of Regional Growth and Convergence", European Economic Review, Vol 40, June 1996, p.1325-1352. " (PDF file)
  12. "Cross Sectional Regressions and the Empirics of Economic Growth", European Economic Review, April 1994.
  13. "Regional Growth and Migration: A Japan-U.S. Comparison", (with Robert J. Barro), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, #6, 312-346, December 1992. (PDF copy of the working paper)
  14. "Financial Repression and Economic Growth", (with Nouriel Roubini), Journal of Development Economics #39, p. 5-30, July 1992. (parts, but not all, of this paper appear in the NBER working paper # 3876 entitled "Financial Development, the Trade Regime and Economic Growth", October 1991.) (PDF copy of the working paper)
  15. "Convergence", (with Robert J. Barro), Journal of Political Economy, v. 100, #21, p.223-251, April 1992. (PDF copy of the working paper).
  16. "Growth, Macroeconomics, and Development: Comment", Stanley Fischer's paper in O. J. Blanchard and S. Fischer editors, "1991 Macroeconomics Annual", M.I.T. press, November 1991.
  17. "Convergence Across States and Regions", (with Robert J. Barro), Brookings Papers of Economic Activity, 1991:1, April 1991. Reprinted in A. Cukierman, Z. Hercowitz and L. Leiderman ed. "Political Economy, Growth, and Business Cycles" M.I.T. Press, 1992.
  18. "On Growth and States", Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University, 1990


Human Capital and Investment

  1. "Measuring Aggregate Human Capital" (with Casey Mulligan), NBER Working Paper #5016, February 1995. (PDF copy of the working paper version). Journal of Economic Growth, 2000.
  2. "A Labor-Income-Based measure of the Aggregate Value of Human Capital" (with Casey B. Mulligan), Journal of Japan and the World Economy, 1996. (PDF copy of the working paper version).
  3. "Transitional Dynamics in Two-Sector Models of Endogenous Growth", (with Casey B. Mulligan), Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1993. (This paper is also listed in "Growth Theory, Technology and Technological Diffusion"). (Click Here for a PDF file)
  4. "Internal and External Adjustment Costs in the Theory of Fixed Investment" , mimeo Yale University, February 1991.


Public Finance, Political Economy, and Social Security

  1. "Do Democracies Have Different Public Policies than Nondemocracies?" (with Casey Mulligan and Ricard Gil), Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2004..
  2. "Social Security, Retirement and the Single-Mindedness of the Electorate" (with Casey Mulligan), NBER Working Paper, May 2003.
    "The World Distribution of Income", mimeo Columbia University April 2002 (this paper is also listed in the section "Poverty and Income Inequality")
    "The Disturbing 'Rise' of Global Income Inequality" NBER WP 8904, April 2002 (this paper is also listed in the section "Poverty and Income Inequality")
    "The Myth of Exploding Income Inequality in Europe and the World", January 2002. In Europe and Globalization,edited by Henryk Kierzkowski. Palgrave McMillan, London. Invited Lecture in honor of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, June 2002. (this paper is also listed in "Empirical Growth and Convergence).
  3. "Social Security and Democracy" (with Casey Mulligan and Ricard Gil), The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol 10, No. 1., 2010.
    "The World Distribution of Income", mimeo Columbia University April 2002 (this paper is also listed in the section "Poverty and Income Inequality")
    "The Disturbing 'Rise' of Global Income Inequality" NBER WP 8904, April 2002 (this paper is also listed in the section "Poverty and Income Inequality")
    "The Myth of Exploding Income Inequality in Europe and the World", January 2002. In Europe and Globalization,edited by Henryk Kierzkowski. Palgrave McMillan, London. Invited Lecture in honor of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, June 2002. (this paper is also listed in "Empirical Growth and Convergence).
  4. "A Political Economy Theory of Social Security and Retirement", (with Elsa V. Artadi), June 2000.
  5. "A Probabilistic-Voting Theory of Gerontocracy, Retirement, and Social Security" (with Casey Mulligan), December 1999.
  6. "Leisure, Single-Mindedness, and Politics" (with Casey Mulligan), Mimeo Columbia University, September 1999
  7. "Social Security in Theory and Practice (I): Facts and Political Theories" (with Casey Mulligan), NBER Working Paper 7118, May 1999 (PDF file). Forthcoming in "Advances in Economics Analysis" (2002), BEpress Journals.
  8. "Social Security in Theory and Practice (II): Efficiency Theories, Narrative Theories, and Implications for Reform" (with Casey Mulligan), NBER Working Paper 7119, May 1999. (PDF file). Forthcoming in "Advances in Economics Analysis" (2002), BEpress Journals.
  9. "Gerontocracy, Retirement, and Social Security" (with Casey B. Mulligan), NBER Working Paper 7117, May 1999. (PDF file).
    "Transfers, Social Safety Nets, and Growth" (this paper circulated under the name "Public Welfare and Growth", Yale Economic Growth Center Discussion Paper, September 1992). IMF Staff Papers, vol. 44, No 1, pp.81-102, 1997 . (This paper is also listed in "Growth Theory, Technology and Technological Diffusion")
  10. "Foreign Money and The Optimal Taxation of Money " (with Casey Mulligan), mimeo, Columbia University, November 1996.
  11. "The Optimum Quantity of Money: Theory and Evidence" (with Casey Mulligan), Journal of Money Credit and Banking, November 1997. (PDF copy of the working paper version).
  12. "Too Much Government" , Barcelona Management Review, September-December 1996, #3, pp. 74-81.
    "A Positive Theory of Social Security". Journal of Economic Growth, Vol 1, #2, June 1996, 277-304. (This paper is also listed in "Growth Theory, Technology and Technological Diffusion")
  13. "GESO versus Yale: A Simple Theory of Subsidies", Yale Business and Economics Review (this is a magazine of the Yale Community.)
    "Public Finance in Models of Economic Growth", (with Robert J. Barro), Review of Economic Studies, #59, p. 645-661, November 1992. (This paper is also listed in "Growth Theory, Technology and Technological Diffusion" .
  14. "The Timing of Government Spending in a Dynamic Model of Imperfect Competition", Yale Economic Growth Center Discussion Paper, August 1991.


Money and Inflation

  1. "Extensive Margins and the Demand for Money at Low Interest Rates" (with Casey Mulligan), Journal of Political Economy, vol 108, 5, 1003-33, October 2000
    "The Optimum Quantity of Money: Theory and Evidence" (with Casey Mulligan), Journal of Money Credit and Banking, November 1997 (note that this paper is also listed in the section "Public Finance").
    "Foreign Money and The Optimal Taxation of Money " (with Casey Mulligan), mimeo, Columbia University, November 1996. (note that this paper is also listed in the section "Public Finance")
  2. "The Adoption Costs of Financial Technologies: Implications for Monetary Policy" (with Casey Mulligan), NBER Working Paper 5504, March 1996.  (PDF copy of the working paper version).
  3. "A Growth Model of Inflation, Tax Evasion, and Financial Repression", (with Nouriel Roubini) , Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 35,#2, 275-302, April 1995. (PDF copy of the working paper)
  4. "U.S. Money Demand: Surprising Cross-Sectional Estimates", (with Casey B. Mulligan), Brookings Papers of Economic Activity, 1992 II, P. 285-329.


International Economics

  1. "Fiscal Federalism and Optimum Currency Areas: Evidence for Europe from the United States", in M. B. Canzoneri, V. Grilli and P. R. Masson editors, "Establishing a Central Bank: Issues in Europe and Lessons from the U.S.", Cambridge University Press, 1992. (PDF version of the working paper)
  2. "World Real Interest Rates", (with Robert J. Barro) in O. J. Blanchard and S. Fischer editors "1990 NBER Macroeconomics Annual", M.I.T. Press, 1990.


Health and Population Economics

  1. "Unhealthy People are Poor People...And Vice Versa", keynote address at the European Conference on Health Economics of the International Health Economics Association, Paris, July 2002.
  2. "Health Investment Complementarities Under Competing Risks" (with Will Dow, and Thomas Philipson). American Economic Review, Vol. 89, Number 5, pp.1358-71, December 1999. (PDF copy with the working paper version). This paper was awarded the 2000 Kenneth J. Arrow Award by the International Health Economics Organization.
  3. "European Migration: Push and Pull, comment", Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics, 1995. Reprinted in International Regional Science Review, January 1996.
  4. "Tetanus, Death, and Aerobics: The evaluation of disease-specific health policies", (with Will Dow, Jessica Holmes, and Thomas Philipson), mimeo Yale University, June 1995.



In Catalan

  1. "La celebració prematura del PP", June 2013, at
  2. "Dret a Saber (2): la realitat en xifres", June 2013, at
  3. "Dret a Saber", June 2013, at
  4. "El Dividend Fiscal de la Independència", Nov 2013, at
  5. "El Col.lectiu Wilson", Nv 2013, at
  6. "Dos i dos són mil. Els efectes comercials de la independència" Nov 2012, (with Pol Antràs, Carles, Boix, Jordi Galí, Gerard Padró-Miquel, and Jaume Ventura) at
  7. "Independènca i pensions: la mentida més innoble" Nov 2012 (with Pol Antràs, Carles, Boix, Jordi Galí, Gerard Padró-Miquel, and Jaume Ventura) at
  8. "El Dividend Fiscal de la Independència" Nov 2012 (with Pol Antràs, Carles, Boix, Jordi Galí, Gerard Padró-Miquel, and Jaume Ventura) at
  9. "Europa, Europa", Nov 2012 (with Pol Antràs, Carles, Boix, Jordi Galí, Gerard Padró-Miquel, and Jaume Ventura) at
  10. "Catalanisme Obert al Segle XXI: L'Economia", conference Presented at the Meeting of  the Fundació Catalunya Oberta, November 23, 2001.
  11. "El Món Després de l'11 de Setembre: Un Món Incert", keynote speech for the annual meetings of the Catalan Economic Association, November 22, 2001.
  12. "Vuit Prediccions per al Segle XX", published in the second issue of "La Bugadera" (a magazine that comes out ONCE EVERY ONE HUNDRED YEARS!), 2002.
  13. "Independència de Catalunya: La Viabilitat Econòmica", Omnium Cultural, 1998.
  14. "Distribució Òptima de la Despesa Pública entre les Comunitats Autònomes", Publicacions de la Generalitat de Catalunya, May 1997.
  15. "Massa Govern", Barcelona Management Review, September-December 1996, #3, pp. 74-81.
  16. "Macroeconomia als Estats Units: Els Fets", (with Jordi Gali), Revista Economica de Catalunya, April 1988.
  17. "Estabilitzacio, Dollars I Deficits", (with Jordi Gali), Revista Economica de Catalunya, April 1988.
  18. "Macroeconomia als Estats Units: Les Idees", (with Jordi Gali), Revista Economica de Catalunya, April 1988.

In Spanish

  1. "El premio Nobel de Economía 2013", Oct 2013, at
  2. "El Teorema de Coase", September 2013, at
  3. "El Premio Nobel de EconomÍa 2012", October 2012, at
  4. "Soberanismo e Inversión Extranjera" August 2012, at
  5. "25 propuestas para salir de la crisis", May 2012, at
  6. "Somos el Presente", acceptance speech of Premio Juan Carlos I de Economia given to the best economist of Spain and Latin America, November 2004.
  7. "La Riqueza de las Regiones", Moneda y Credito, Madrid, Spain, July 1994.
  8. "La Reforma de las Pensiones en España: Comentario" Moneda y Credito, Madrid, Spain, July 1997
  9. "The Effects of EMU on the Spanish Business Cycle: A Comment", Comment on Antonio Fatas's paper with the same title. Published by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya, 1999.

